Seachtain na Gaeilge
Bhí an-chraic is spórt ar siúl do sheachtain na Gaeilge i mbliana. Bhí go leo imeachtaí is turasanna ar siúl...
Bhí an-chraic is spórt ar siúl do sheachtain na Gaeilge i mbliana. Bhí go leo imeachtaí is turasanna ar siúl...
Bhain ranganna Ms Cullen agus Ms Forde sa chúigiú bliain an-taitneamh as turas go dtí an phictiúrlann an lá faoi...
We wish to thank Tesco, Terenure, for its kind donation from the community fund of €296. This along with the...
One of our own, Abigail O’Brien (5th Yr) will be performing along with some other musicians, tonight on the Late...
We wish all our school community a very Happy St Patrick’s Day and extended weekend. Safe travels to all who...
Please be advised that we are currently experiencing problems with our current phone line and provider which is leading to...
We had a wonderful Spring Concert on Monday evening, 11th March. It was lovely to welcome parents and friends of...
SLHS Parents’ Council will be leading our annual MEITHEAL Day on Saturday 13th April 2024. Please put this day in...
Apologies for the short notice on this, but Cantairí Óga Átha Cliath is hosting a concert ‘Tota Pulchra Es /Everything is...
A very successful careers day was held for 5th yrs today in school. Visiting speakers from a wide array of careers along with...