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St Louis High School aims to create a culture that supports healthy choices and will empower students to actively look after their own health.

We encourage and support students to manage themselves by creating lifelong positive habits and attitudes that help to determine their learning, social, spiritual, and emotional growth, health awareness and wellbeing.

Student wellbeing is extremely important to us in St Louis High School. Every student is valued. Our holistic approach to education provides a nurturing, inclusive, supportive and understanding environment for students.

Our pastoral care structures of year heads, class teachers, guidance counsellors, SNAs and senior management highly value student wellbeing and offer immense support.

In the Junior Cycle, wellbeing classes are held in the areas of PE; Choir; IT and Self-Management; CSPE and SPHE. Wellbeing is further supported in TY and in senior cycle with a variety of classes in Choir; IT; Art; and PE.

Students are encouraged to involve themselves in extra-curricular activities which supports their wellbeing for example: Library; Sports Clubs; Music activities; Gardening; Green Schools; Debating; Women’s Politics Club; Ciorcal Comhrá; etc.