St Brigid’s Day/Long Weekend

January 31, 2025

We wish all our school community a very happy St Brigid’s Day and bank holiday weekend. School will be closed on Monday. Please find some interesting information about St Brigid by clicking on this link:

There are some interesting events being held around the country which you might like to check out:

We look forward to the arrival of Spring and lengthening days.

Here is the first verse of a famous Irish poem by the poet Antaine O’Raifteirí called Anois teacht an Earraigh – 

Anois teacht an Earraigh
beidh an lá dúl chun shíneadh,
Is tar eis na féil Bríde
ardóigh mé mo sheol.
Go Coillte Mach rachad
ní stopfaidh me choíche
Go seasfaidh mé síos
i lár Chondae Mhaigh Eo.”


Now with the springtime
The days will grow longer
And after St. Bride’s day’
My sail I’ll let go
I put my mind to it,
And I never will linger
Till I find myself back
In the County Mayo.

Enjoy the weekend.