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Seachtain na Gaeilge
March 15, 2024
Bhí an-chraic is spórt ar siúl do sheachtain na Gaeilge i mbliana. Bhí go leo imeachtaí is turasanna ar siúl – turasanna go dtí an phictiúrlann chun na scannáin An Cailín Ciúin is Róise is Frank a fheiceáil. Bhí an halla lán de cheol is rince le céilithe móra is tráth na gceist ollmhór do roinnt dos na bliainghrúpaí. Míle buíochas dóibh siúd a sheol ealaíon isteach do chomórtas na bpostaer. Comhghairdeachas dóibh siúd a rinne an-iarracht ar an nGaeilge a labhairt i rith an lae agus ar fud na háite – maith sibh. Míle buíochas do roinn na Gaeilge as ucht na himeachtaí seo uilig a eagrú agus an seans a thabhairt dos na daltaí agus foireann na scoile áilleacht teanga na Gaeilge agus ár gcultúr a bhlaiseadh beagáinín níos mó.
We had great fun during Seachtain na Gaeilge this year. Many events and trips were held, including trips to the cinema to see films – An Cailín Ciúin and Róise & Frank. The hall was full of music and dance with large-scale céilís in full flight. Year group table quizzes were held as well. Sincere thanks to those who submitted beautiful art work for the poster competitions. Congratulations to all who made such a wonderful effort to speak their cúpla focal during the week and all around the school – well done! Sincere thanks to the Irish Department for organising and running the events and for giving students and staff the opportunity to further enjoy the joys of the Irish language and culture. Míle buíochas.