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January 23, 2025
Status Red Alert Update
Due to the extreme nature of Storm Éowyn and the threat of multi-hazard weather events on Friday 24 January, Met Éireann has confirmed a red weather warning. Based on this, the National Emergency Coordination Group has advised that all primary and post-primary schools in red warning areas will close for the duration of the red warning. While the red weather warnings are expected to end between 10am and 3pm on Friday in different counties, schools will remain closed on Friday.
Travel is not possible during the red warning period. After the red warning expires, safety checks may be needed to assess whether any damage has occurred and to ensure the safety of school communities, and parents and the school community would need time to prepare to return to school. Because of these factors, concerns about safe transport and the unpredictable nature of the red warnings, the Department recognises that it is not possible or practical for schools in red warning areas to open on Friday.
Thank you and stay safe.