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Information for 3rd Year Parents/Guardians
January 17, 2025
A reminder that applications for Transition Year must be submitted to the main school office before the end of the day next Friday January 24th, along with a deposit of €100. Any student who needs an additional application form can collect one from Ms Mulcahy.
For third-years who are choosing to move directly to fifth-year instead of making an application for Transition Year, they will need to make their subject choices for Leaving Certificate between January 29th and February 5th (latest date). A meeting will take place next Wednesday January 22nd at 7:00 pm for the parents/guardians of 3rd year students who are going to move directly from 3rd year into 5th year. It is important that you attend this meeting to fully inform yourself and to support your daughter in the decisions ahead. All 3rd year parents/guardians should have received an email with further details, including the link for this webinar. If you have not received this email, please email nmulcahy@stlouishighschool.ie