The students were given permission slips on Tuesday for their “First Year Disco”, which will take place next Thursday, 26th October from 7-9pm. Please ensure that the permission is signed and returned to an SRC member (green jumper) or a teacher, by Monday, along with the €5 entry fee.
Students may wear costumes to the disco, but it is not a requirement. Thursday is also a Civvies Day (non-uniform) in school. The SRC will collect €2 from students and the funds collected will be going to the victims of the earthquakes in Morocco and Afghanistan and to support Nicole Byrne and her family who are attempting to raise funds for treatment for a rare form of Adrenal Cancer.
This disco promises to be a milestone event and students in sixth year, to this day, still reminisce about their own experience in first year. The first years won’t want to miss out on making their own SLHS memories.
All parents and guardians are welcome to attend the talk by Hilary Virtue (NEPS psychologist), at 7.30pm in Cuisle, while the disco is happening, about how to support your teenager’s mental health wellbeing. The PA will serve refreshments after the talk.
In other news, 1L and 1O got to carry out their own archaeological digs in history, this week. Skills of patience and precision were drawn upon, by most, and the students learned a lot of practical knowledge about the process of carrying out an archaeological dig.
1L got the opportunity to use a metal detector on the grounds of the school and they managed to unearth some treasures, as can be seen from the attached photos!