What is a Student Council?
A Student Council is a representative structure for students only, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and the students.
Student Representative Council for 2023-2024

Áine O Malley (Head Girl)
Isabel Maharg Bravo (Deputy Head Girl)
- Sandybelle Feliselda
- Saoirse Dorgan
- Milly Gorman Nicholson
- Aoife Byrne
- Annalyse Carroll
- Caro Magnus Uwangata
- Marianne McHugh
- Robyn Sunderland
- Bogi Ujvari
- Grace Byrne
Student Council Constitution
Term of Office
SRC – May – May
SRC Reps – September – May
Student Council Officers
- Head Girl is Chairperson & 6th Year Liaison
- Deputy Head Girl is Deputy Chairperson & 6th Year Liaison
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Ten SRC Liaisons – two for each year group
- Additional roles reflect the aims of the SRC e.g. PR officers, Arts & Events, Sports, Environment, Global Citizenship, Ethos etc.
Role of the Student Council
- To act as role models for other students and to uphold the school rules at all times.
- To provide a forum for students to voice their opinions on relevant issues.
- To enhance communication between students, staff, management and parents.
- To help in creating a happy atmosphere and promote good teacher-student relationships.
- To organise events for the different year groups, which boost morale both within and between year groups.
- To contribute to overall school development by being involved in school policy formulation.
- To assist and be present at various school functions and on formal occasions.
- To meet with the Board of Management and the Parents’ Council.
- To submit an annual written report and financial statement to the Board.
Structure of the Student Representative Council (SRC)
The Student Representative Council comprises 12 elected 6th Year students and includes the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl. Ten of the SRC members liaise with the different year groups – two for each year group from 1st Year to 5th Year. These are known as the SRC Liaisons. Each class in the school also elects an SRC Representative (Rep.) and an SRC Vice – Representative (Vice-Rep.) The class Reps. meet with the 6th Year SRC.
Nominations and Elections
The SRC class representatives (reps.) are elected in late September each year. Nominations will be sought from each class by completing an official form. This will take place during an extended registration period. Nominated students must have a very good record of behaviour, attendance and punctuality. A decision will be made as to the suitability of nominees in consultation with the Class Teacher, Year Head, SRC Liaison Teacher, Deputy Principal and Principal, as appropriate, prior to the election process. The provision of nomination papers and the class elections will be organised by the SRC Liaison Teacher. The class elections are by straight vote at a class meeting i.e. the student with the most votes is the SRC Rep. and the next student with the most votes is the vice SRC Rep. The counting of votes is supervised by the class teacher.
Preparations for the 6th Year Student Representative Council (SRC) elections will take place in the 2nd Term of Fifth Year. All students in 5th Yr who wish to apply to participate in the election process must submit a completed application form and participate in a formal election process. Students applying to be elected to the SRC must have a very good record of behaviour, attendance and punctuality which will be checked in consultation with the Class Teacher, Year Head, SRC Liaison Teacher, Deputy Principal, and Principal, as appropriate, prior to the election process. This will be organised by the SRC Liaison Teacher. The SRC elections take place in two stages:
The twelve positions are elected by Proportional Representation (P.R.) from the 5th Year Group as a whole and by the Student Council Representatives and Vice-Reps from the other year groups (1st to TY).
- Any of the twelve elected members of the SRC may then decide to go forward for the position of Head Girl. All 5th Year students, out-going SRC and staff are eligible to vote. Voting is by P.R. The student with the most votes is elected as Head Girl and the next in line is elected as Deputy Head Girl. The counting of votes is supervised by the SRC Liaison Teacher and the outgoing SRC. The results are retained by the SRC Liaison Teacher.
At all stages, voting is by secret ballot following speeches by the candidates. Candidates must receive a nomination from a student in their class or year group and this nomination must be seconded by another student, before they can go forward for election. Parents/Guardians are required to sign off on the application form.