The Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) is the new award for students taking the Junior Certificate.
The JCPA will replace the traditional Junior Certificate. The traditional Junior Certificate was issued by the Dept of Education and Skills and only showed the grades awarded in the state-certified final examinations taken in May(Art) and June of 3rd Year.
The new JCPA will be issued by the school and will show:
The grades awarded in the state-certified final examinations
Achievements in Classroom-based assessments (CBAs) (held in 2nd Yr and 3rd Yr)
Achievements in Other Areas of Learning (OALs)
First Year
In First Year, students will choose optional subjects in advance of entering the school, but will have an opportunity to experience a taster module in French and German during the first half of the first term.
Core Subjects for Junior Cycle:
Compulsory in SLHS for Junior Cycle:
Religious Education
Wellbeing – PE; CPSE; SPHE; Choir (1st Year); IT and self-management
Optional Subjects (they select two from the following list)
Home Economics
If we are in a position to offer a language taster module, students will select a language/s from French, German or Spanish. If they do not study a language and have special educational needs, resource can be facilitated during these times.
What is meant by Other Areas of Learning?
As well as the results taken from the DES on the student’s final certificate examinations, the JCPA will record student participation, achievement and progress during the 3 years of their Junior Cycle Programme.
These OALs will include areas of learning outside the Junior Cycle Programme, such as:
Performing arts eg speech & drama, dance, etc
Visual arts
Students will be asked to keep a record of all significant learning activities during their three-year Junior Certificate Programme.
In order to aid students in drawing up this list of Other Areas of Learning, we have listed possible areas within our school where students may have acquired valuable learning experiences.
List of Possible Experiences
This is only a suggested list – there may be other activities students may have undertaken not listed here that they may include:
Member of a school team – sports, debating
Member of the student council eg SRC rep
Member of the school choir, instrumental group, traditional music group
Participated in the School Musical
Participated in a competition (group or individual) eg Young Scientist, Texaco Art Competition, Doodle for Google etc.
Participated in a school committee eg Green Schools Committee
Participated in fund-raising activities – bake sale etc.
Participated in various themed weeks in school: Maths Week, Arts Festival, Cairdeas and Sláinte Week, Súil Eile week etc.
Represented their class or school in a competition
Seminars/retreats attended
Workshops- study skills, anti-bullying, nutrition etc
Students should try to identify the specific skill(s) acquired or learning outcome from the OALs they chose to list:
eg OAL: Represented school on a Debating Team Skills Acquired: research, writing and public speaking
Students are advised to list a minimum of three and a maximum of 5 OALs.