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COILL na nÓg – native tree and hedgerow planting initiative
December 12, 2024
Coill na nÓg is a native tree & hedgerow planting initiative in partnership with eFlow. The school applied for one of the free winter tree packs which are delivered to schools to create mini-woodlands and native hedgerows. Tree packs consist of 8 native trees (bare-root whips) to create a mini-woodland. This morning we received our tree pack and will plant them out in the New Year on the school grounds. It is important that we support bio-diversity. Check out further details at this link: https://www.biodiversityinschools.com/coill-na-nog.html#:~:text=What%20is%20it%3F,to%20create%20a%20mini%2Dwoodland.