We wish to remind you that the 5th yr Parent/Guardian Teacher Meeting will be held on Thursday 13th March next from 4.15pm-6.45pm. You will have the opportunity then to meet with all your child’s teachers to discuss their progress in their Leaving Certificate subjects.
If you would like to meet with all your child’s teachers, we strongly advise that you arrive at the start of the session (4.15pm) to give you adequate time to queue and meet with each teacher. The meetings will finish promptly at 6.45pm.
This PTM is specifically for sharing of subject-related information. If you have more general issues to discuss with the year head or senior management, then a separate appointment should be scheduled for that.
We look forward to seeing you on the 13th March. If for whatever reason you cannot attend, we would appreciate if you could please let us know in advance. You can email Ms Rodgers, 5th Year Head, at: arodgers@stlouishighschool.ie