Recording attendance – SWIPE CARDS

October 16, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians, 
It has become apparent that quite a number of students have misplaced their attendance swipe cards. It is essential that all students have their own swipe card. They must swipe in on arrival in school to record attendance. If they do not swipe in, whilst teachers may record their attendance in class, they will still be recorded as partially absent, which will result in a text going home and attendance records being inaccurate. Text communication of this nature can be concerning for parents/guardians and may cause undue upset, particularly when the student is present in the school building. Additionally, TUSLA attendance reports are pulled from the swipe action slot.  By law the school must report students up to the age of 16 who have missed 20 school days or more to TUSLA on an annual basis and we notice that it is often the case of the student not having swiped in.  This causes considerable work for the office staff who have to manually rectify each student’s record for days that they did not swipe in. 
  • All students should write down their swipe card number in their journal, so in the event of them forgetting their card, they can still punch in their number on the keypad beside the main office. 
  • If a student comes in LATE to school they still must sign in at the office as well as swiping in, regardless of whether a message has been sent in on the school App.
Accurate attendance records are essential. We need your support with this matter. If students continue to not swipe in, we will have no option but to impose sanctions.
If your child has misplaced their swipe card, a new one must be ordered. A replacement card costs €10. 
We ask you to please check if your child has their swipe card and if not, then please order a replacement by contacting the school office as a matter of urgency. 
Payment can be made by sending in €10 with your child, or by card payment in school or online via easy payments. Here is the link for your convenience.
We look forward to your support with this extremely important matter. 
The above content was sent in an email to all parents/guardians. If you did not receive this email, please let the office at know and we will inform Wriggle who manages our mailing lists. Please include your email address. We are still experiencing bounce backs to mail sent. Thank you.