St Louis High School is a dynamic community of learning where we aspire to foster a happy and inclusive environment.
We nurture creativity, embrace diversity and cherish our values while building on our rich traditions in an atmosphere of respect, gratitude and generosity.
As active global citizens we share in the journey towards a deeper understanding of and engagement in our complex, ever-changing and inter-dependent world.
St. Louis High School was opened in 1913 by the St Louis Order and, since then, has maintained its tradition of imparting a full, balanced and holistic education to its students. We celebrated 100 years of education in Rathmines during 2013-14.
The intellectual, spiritual, moral and emotional needs of each student are catered for in a Christian and respectful way. The school community seeks to live and to proclaim Christian values, to accept people as they are, to affirm their individuality, their present gifts and future promise, and to encourage them as they mature. The school is a community, in which staff, students and parents contribute towards developing a sense of responsibility and confidence which enables its members to choose with goodwill and good faith in this complex world. While the majority of the pupils are Catholic, we welcome and support girls of other religious traditions and none.
To read more about the religious order of the St. Louis Sisters, please visit their website:
Our School Crest

Blue Field: Represents the Kings of France. St. Louis was King Louis IX of France 1214 – 1270.
Dieu Le Veult: (old French) The rallying cry of the Crusaders – ‘God Wills it’. St. Louis went on two Crusades to the Holy Land in 1242 in thanksgiving for his recovery from a serious illness. In 1270 he went to Tunis, where he hoped to make Christ known to the Moslems. He became ill and died there. His body was brought back to France and his heart was buried in the Benedictine Monastery at Palermo. St. Louis is the Patron Saint of the Congregation of St. Louis.
Fleur de Lys: Symbol of the Kings of France. It represents the country of origin of the Sisters of St. Louis.
The Tower: The tower with a red hand is part of the Monaghan Coat of Arms. Monaghan was the town in Ireland to which the first Sisters came from France on 6th January 1859.
Crown of Thorns and Sword: These relate to St. Louis bringing Christ’s Crown of Thorns to France for safety. It had been saved during the First Crusade.
The Golden Chain: The chain symbolises the bond of Christian Charity which unites all the members of the Congregation together and which also links them to those with whom they carry out their ministries in schools, colleges, hospitals and parishes. It is echoed in the second motto ‘Ut sint unum’ (‘That they may be one’) while the Primary motto ‘Dieu le Veult’ inspires acceptance of the ups and downs of life that we meet with every day in carrying out our work for God.